Digital downloads
What are the usage limits on the downloads?
The downloads can be used once only and will expire within 48 hours.
You can use a maximum of 2 IP addresses to obtain the download.
If you would like access to unlimited downloads please look into our ProElite subscription.
Where do you host the downloads?
All downloads are hosted on Cloudflare R2 servers.
Why are the prices higher than on Payloadz?
Other payment partners charge higher fees than PayPal therefore the individual product prices had to be increased. At least there is now an alternative if you are not willing or able to use PayPal.
Physical products
Do you ship to my country?
All orders are available for world-wide shipping excluding countries that are subject to sanctions.
What happens with customs fees?
We can't predict what customs fees may apply when the products enter the country of destination. Please take your local laws into account when ordering. No customs fees will apply to orders within the US or EU.
What if I ordered the wrong size?
Before you order, please follow the measurements in the product description, they are indicated in both centimetres as well as inches.
If you do have to return an item you will have to pay for return postage yourself.
Why are my products shipped separately?
Not every product is fulfilled in the same location, for instance shirts and mugs will be shipped in separate parcels.
Why is this T-Shirt more expensive?
This can depend on two things. First of all, different sizes have different prices. But for some products, there can be multiple prints (for instance front & back), which increases the price.
Frankly, this has been a popular request for quite some time.
The reality of being a distributed modding team from across the world does not make it any easier. Luckily these days with excellent e-commerce platforms like Shopify and the ability to fulfil products to order in two continents has allowed us to realise this idea!
Are you guys doing this to make money?
We keep the prices as low as possible, aiming only to cover the platform's fees and operation. Our goal is for as many people as possible to be able to enjoy our merch, not to make money!